A Return to Kosovo
By George Friedman
Russian President Vladimir Putin
and U.S. President George W. Bush will meet July 1-2 at the Bush family
compound in Kennebunkport, Maine. The two will have several meaty items on
their plate, including the planned U.S. missile defense shield in Central
Europe and Russia's threat to withdraw from the Treaty on Conventional Armed
Forces in Europe. The main dish, however, will be Kosovo -- again.
This issue has been on the table since
1999, when the United States and its NATO allies, angered over Serbian behavior
in Kosovo, ignored Russian objections and waged a 60-day air war against
Yugoslavia. The Clinton administration charged that the Serbians were either
conducting genocide against the Kosovar Albanians or were on the verge of it. Washington
demanded the withdrawal of Serbian forces from Kosovo and, when that failed to
happen, it commenced the air campaign.
It is important to recall that the
Kosovo war, like the war in Iraq, did not have U.N. sanction. Russia, in
particular, opposed the war, thus making U.N. Security Council passage of an
enabling resolution impossible. Russia and Serbia are historical allies and
under the guise of "fellow Slav," Moscow has promoted itself as Serbia's
protector. It is an excuse Russia has used to get involved in many conflicts,
including World War I. In 1999, however, the United States did not take Russia
seriously when it considered how to handle Serbia. In 1999, under Boris
Yeltsin, Russia didn't need to be taken seriously.
The war, however, did not go as
expected. The Serbs did not capitulate after the first few days of bombardment,
and neither the United States nor NATO was prepared to mount a ground attack
into Kosovo. After two months of bombings, a diplomatic initiative was launched
via Moscow, whose channels into Belgrade remained active since the Serbs
retained some trust in the Russians. In a complex round of diplomacy, the Serbs
agreed to withdraw their forces from Kosovo as long as the occupying force
included a substantial Russian contingent.
In fact, the Russians sent a
contingent of troops from their base in Bosnia through Serbia to Kosovo,
arriving at the airport in Pristina as the bombing ended. Rather than integrate
the Russian forces into the NATO force in Kosovo, the peacekeeping presence
known as KFOR, NATO marginalized them.
From the Russians' point of view,
they had been double-crossed. They had gotten the Serbs to agree to a
withdrawal on the proviso that the Russians would be a substantial part of
KFOR. This was crucial because it was understood that they would guarantee the
one part of the agreement that was a dealmaker to the Serbs. Serbia would
withdraw from Kosovo, but it would not give up sovereignty. When the Americans
and Europeans bypassed the Russians, Russian credibility, as low as it was,
plummeted even more.
In a sense, Kosovo broke the back
of Yeltsin's strategy. The Russians perceived the motherland as a poor but
powerful country, one that not only had become poorer, but also was treated
with contempt by the United States. Russian nationalists -- even of the mildest
sort -- recoiled at what they saw as the American double-cross. Many issues
sank Yeltsin, but Kosovo was critical. One of Putin's missions, then, has been
to rebuild Russia's international standing.
Eight years after the war, KFOR
continues to occupy Kosovo, though Europe and the United States are trying to
bring the conflict to a conclusion by granting Kosovo independence. Their
argument is that Kosovo, whatever its historical significance to Serbs, now has
a majority of Albanians. In addition, the Albanians had been mistreated by the
Serbs, so they cannot be returned to Serb control. Therefore, the only
reasonable thing is for Kosovo to be granted independence.
The Serbs are intensely opposed to
losing a province permanently. For the Russians, there are a number of issues. First,
Putin wants to demonstrate to Europe and the United States that they cannot
simply ignore understandings reached with Russia. The Russian opposition to
Kosovo's independence was made clear eight years ago -- and it remains clear
now. Second, the Russians want to demonstrate that alliance with them has
meaning as they attempt to expand their sphere of influence. Until now, their
successes have been confined to the former Soviet Union. They want a showdown
over the interests of a Balkan ally simply to demonstrate their loyalty and
effectiveness -- as well as the limits of American and European power. Finally,
they want to expand their influence in the Balkans, an area of historical
interest to the Russians.
On June 24, Putin attended an
energy conference of southeast European leaders. While there, he made it clear
that Russia is prepared to expand capital investment in power networks and
pipelines in the Balkans. He also supported the creation of an "energy
ring" in the Black Sea region that might serve to define the parameters of
a common European power grid. That was the carrot. The stick was a warning that
the Russians will not accept an independent Kosovo.
Europe just wants Kosovo off its
plate. It is uneasy about extending the Muslim reach in the Balkans and it is
concerned about the principle of changing borders based on ethnic makeup. In
Europe, Spain's Basque region has had a separatist movement for years, while
there are predominantly Hungarian regions in both Slovakia and Romania. The
Russians, however, are most uneasy about the principle because if Kosovo is
given independence, why not Chechnya?
The Europeans and Americans want
to wrap up the Kosovo issue as soon as possible. For Bush, who has been
portrayed as rabidly anti-Islamic, having a pro-Muslim policy somewhere in the
world has obvious benefit. Albania, as demonstrated by Bush's recent visit, is
the one place where he can gather sympathetic Muslim crowds -- and he is not
about to give it up. As for the Europeans, they want to let go of the tar baby
and move on.
By visiting Albania, therefore,
Bush has signaled Putin that he is committed to Kosovar independence. The point
the Bush administration is missing, however, is that rather than being deterred
by Bush's show of commitment, Putin sees it as an opportunity to embarrass Bush
and assert Russian power. The fact that Bush has publicly committed himself on
Kosovo makes it sweeter for Putin. He wants to force Bush to back down on an
issue on which the American president has staked himself publicly. That serves
Putin's interests much more than winning on a marginal issue.
Putin has a number of options.
Diplomatically, he can veto any
resolutions presented to the Security Council. There is diplomatic talk that,
absent a new resolution on Kosovo, Kosovar independence would take place under
EU supervision. Russia could not veto that, of course, but Russia does have the
natural gas transmission card to play. Germany and other EU members are heavily
dependent on Russian natural gas, and Russia has cut those supplies for short
periods of time in the past. There is no reason to think Moscow would not do it
again. The European Union knows this -- and is becoming fractured by it.
In fact, we believe the Russians
would cut supplies if provoked. Kosovo really is that big of an issue to them. If
they gave in on this, all of Putin's efforts to re-establish Russia as a great
power would be undermined. Putin wants to remind Germany in particular -- but
also other former Soviet satellites -- that thwarting Russia carries a price. If
the European Union were to unilaterally act against Russian wishes, Putin would
have to choose between appearing as if he is all talk and no action, and
acting. Putin would choose the latter.
Putin also has a military option. Contrary
to popular belief, the Russians retain increasingly effective military units. Five
years ago, the idea that Russia's military was a joke wasn't nearly as true as
many wanted to believe. It certainly is not true now. The old Red Army is
dysfunctional, but the Russian military retains an excellent core, particularly
in its airborne regiments. The Russians could fly a regiment of troops to
Belgrade, use Serbian trucks to move to the Kosovar frontier and threaten to
move into Kosovo to take their place in KFOR.
To do this, they would have to fly
through Romanian or Hungarian airspace. They might be denied overflight
privileges, but 1), the Russians might not ask permission and 2), would the
Romanians or Hungarians try to shoot down Russian transports? They have no
appetite for that kind of confrontation. Assume, then, that the troops reached
the Kosovo border and crossed over. Would KFOR troops open fire on them? It is
doubtful that the Europeans want a shooting war with the Russians.
Challenging Kosovo's independence
militarily also would allow Russia to call NATO defense capabilities into
question, which could leave the Europeans even more fractured. Do not assume
that the Russians would not dare try such a move. Our view is that the Russians
are itching for an opportunity to confront the West -- and win. In the case of
Kosovo, should they choose to make an issue of it, they have the diplomatic,
economic and military options to force the West to back down. Condoleezza Rice
has said that Kosovo will never be returned to Serbian rule. Putin would love
to demonstrate that it doesn't matter what the U.S. secretary of state wants.
This is going to be a key issue at
the Bush-Putin summit. Although he wants this matter settled, it appears Bush
will try to find a formula for putting it off, such as setting up a negotiating
structure between Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo that could go on for years. Putin
could probably live with that, as long as Russia is given a dominant role in
those negotiations and as long as the decision is seen as a public concession
to Putin.
This is an asymmetric situation. Bush
does not really care about Kosovo or Serbia. The Europeans would not give up a
day of natural gas supplies over Albanian rights in Kosovo. Russia itself
doesn't care much about Kosovo. But it does care about reasserting its
international power. The Kosovo issue gives Putin the perfect launchpad to
start rolling back the West and reasserting his own power.
If Putin can win on this issue, a
range of comfortable assumptions by Central and Eastern Europeans about
Russia's limits, as well as German and French assumptions about the future of Europe,
will be reversed. Putin intends to be taken seriously in international affairs
and Kosovo is the issue he will stand on. It is not clear whether the United
States or Europe understands just how serious Putin is on Kosovo.
This report republished with
attribution to Strategic Forecasting, Inc. at www.stratfor.com.